How many caries do you think you have?

How many caries do you think you have? Image Source: Google

Dental health is essential for the overall health of the human body. Daily care, as well as regular prophylactic treatments and visits to your dentist, are fundamental for the health of teeth, gums and the entire organism. These activities will ensure you don’t have serious teeth problems in future, and will eventually save you money for more serious treatments.

Untreated caries leads to bigger problems

Early diagnosis and treatment of caries can save you a lot of stress, pain and money in the long run. Treating caries on time will save you all the drama, pain and money needed to treat a deeper caries. Not to talk about the fact that it often leads to the need of a root canal treatment. And if again it remains untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and need of a dental implant.

Not everything is what it seems

Good dentists will advice you to treat your cavities on time. Sometimes they are so small, that are unseen for you. Trust your dentist, and get that small caries treated, because not everything is what it looks like on the surface. Sometimes there is an infection going on inside your tooth, which is unseen during a primary observation. When the dentist starts treating a dental cavity he can see the current state of your tooth in details. Many of those infectious processes are quiet, and alarm of their existence upon pain. Therefore, waiting until you feel in pain is not a good tactic when it comes to your teeth. Because, frankly, it is often too late.

We recommend you to visit your dentist every 6 months for a check-up of new caries and prophylactic treatments, such as teeth cleaning. This will ensure your oral hygiene, your dental health and will be a long-term investment in your overall health.

Also published on Medium.


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